Time and dedication

Without a daily care routine, it won’t be easy to take the best care of your garden. In that sense, the first step is to have some time to take care of it and dedicate attention to it. Each plant is different, and in some cases, they may require special care. For those who do not have enough time, it is better to restrict the number of species or look for those that do not require constant maintenance.

Cleaning unwanted plants

Traditionally, gardens were kept free of “weeds” to prevent them from harming garden plants by competing for nutrients or by covering them and hindering their development. Nowadays, it is much more nuanced as to which plants should be conserved and which should not. It is necessary to verify whether they are invasive or allelopathic plants.

Some adventitious plants can be beneficial for the garden and pollinators, others not so much, so it is necessary to decide in each case, to prevent them from growing in places they should not. This selection is healthy for the garden and makes it look more attractive.


Soil is one of the main components of the garden and the plant’s growth depends on it. Gardens typically suffer from compaction over time, leading to situations of loss of drainage and lack of aeration. Therefore, from time to time, it will be necessary to work the soil in one way or another, but without damaging the roots.


An important factor in certain microclimates is garden aeration. When a garden does not enjoy proper ventilation, it can encourage the presence of certain fungi, such as mildew, which can affect plants indiscriminately.


A garden can be very small or large, and the plants used must be adapted to its scale. Plants must have enough space to grow and avoid recurrent pruning or intensive maintenance.


The lawn is an iconic element of the garden and the surface most used by people and animals. A good lawn sparkles, but it is important to consider the climate and water regime when implementing it, using appropriate seed and containing its surface. The modern lawn should adapt to its environment as much as possible. Depending on the context and use, it is possible to apply a non-uniform mowing regime and allow the grass to evolve into a naturalized grassland form that favors the presence of pollinators and butterflies.


The presence of nutrients conditions the type of species that we can use. In classic gardens, fertilizer is very important for their care since it provides plants with essential nutrients for their healthy growth, and this includes lawn areas. Some species and meadow types grow better in poor soil, so we must be consistent with our choice of plants. There are many possible options for fertilizing a garden, but the most recommended is good compost. Chemical fertilizers must be used sparingly.


Water is vital for plants, but it is important not to overwater. There are several irrigation methods; the most popular in large gardens is sprinkling, although it is possible to use diffusers and a variety of special nozzles that improve their performance. The most efficient irrigation is drip, but many people prefer to water by hand, which is precisely the most inefficient method.

In any case, it is necessary to obtain good advice before installing irrigation and have the support of a qualified professional for its long-term maintenance. Traditionally, it is recommended to water in the morning, when the sun is rising, or at dusk.

Pruning and trimming

Depending on the species in your garden, pruning or trimming may be necessary at some point. Before pruning, it is important to know when it can be done. It is not advisable to prune a shrub that produces flowers towards the end of winter until spring in late autumn. Rose bushes require specific pruning, and the same happens with many other species.

It is preferable not to systematically prune all plants. However, if any part of the plant is damaged or diseased, light pruning can be carried out to eliminate a possible source of infection. Pruning and trimming are topics that are best delegated to a gardener with experience and judgment.